Week 2

Welcome! & Data Science life-cycle

Learning Objectives

  1. Learners can navigate the platforms (Posit Cloud, GitHub, Course Website) that are used to for the course.
  2. Learners can render a Quarto file to an output file in HTML, PDF and DOCX format.
  3. Learners can list the six elements of the data science lifecycle.
  4. Learners can identify four components of a Quarto file (YAML, code chunk, R code, markdown).


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Read R for Data Science - Section 1 - Introduction through Section 1.3.4

Read R for Data Science - Section 2 - Introduction

Read R for Data Science - Section 4 - Workflow basics

Homework assignment

Complete the homework programming assignment that is in your project folder for week 2 by Friday 16th June on Posit Cloud

  • hw-02-data-science-lifecycle.qmd

Learning reflection

Complete the learning reflection that is in your project folder for week 2 on Posit Cloud

  • learning-02.qmd