Week 6

Joining data & communicating results with Quarto

Learning Objectives

  1. Learners can use Quarto and GitHub Pages to publish an HTML file.
  2. Learners can add literature references to Quarto files using the navigation menu of RStudio visual editor.
  3. Learners can cross-reference figures and tables within an Quarto file.
  4. Learners can apply functions from the dplyr R Package to join multiple data sets.


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  1. Read R for Data Science - Section 13 - Relational data

Homework assignment

Homework assignment & learning reflection due: Friday, 14th July

Clone your Capstone Project repository to the workspace for the course on Posit Cloud:

Complete the homework programming assignments that are in your project folder for week 6 on Posit Cloud:

  • hw-06a-section-01.qmd
  • hw-06b-section-02.qmd
  • hw-06c-section-03.qmd
  • hw-06d-section-04.qmd

Learning reflection

Complete the learning reflection that is in your project folder for week 6 on Posit Cloud

  • learning-06.qmd